Can Websites Track Your Location?

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When visiting a website, you are automatically sharing many pieces of information that help this website identify the request and function accordingly. Most information is sent via your browser and some of them are appended by your internet service provider (ISP).
Shared info usually includes data about your browser, device, IP address, cookies, and other details you might submit while browsing the website. Read more …

Does HTTPS Prevent Man In The Middle?

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Man in the Middle (MITM) is a famous online attack aiming to intercept connections between computer systems. It usually targets stealing sensitive information such as login credentials and credit card details.
Man in the Middle is famous in the web environment for targeting website communications. Attackers insert themselves between web servers and browsers, so they secretly listen to the communications, steal exchanged data, and possibly alter messages in their favor. Read more …

Is It Safe To Visit A Website With An Expired Certificate?

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To protect their visitors’ data and sensitive information, websites are required to serve their web pages over HTTPS protocol. This protocol encrypts the communications between web servers and clients (browsers) against Man-in-the-middle Attacks.
The encryption of HTTPS connections is guaranteed by an SSL/TLS certificate. For security reasons, this certificate is usually valid for a specific period, after which the certificate expires and the website owner is required to renew it. Additionally, there are many other reasons that lead to a certificate get expired. Read more …

Can You Get Hacked By Opening A Facebook Message?

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Facebook is one of the most popular social networks on the internet. Most online users rely on its instant messaging system to chat and exchange messages every single moment.
Due to its popularity among users of various levels of online security awareness, Facebook is one of the most popular channels to perform malicious activities. Attackers are getting creative in using Facebook Messenger to manipulate users and hack their Facebook accounts or devices. Read more …

Can Websites See Your Browsing History?

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When navigating the internet, browsers typically maintain a previous history of the websites the user has visited. This history usually contains the pages’ URLs and the website’s cookies.
These history files remain inside the browser to be accessed later, under specific conditions, by both the visitor and the visited websites. Read more …

Does HTTPS (Padlock) Mean a Website is Safe?

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Most websites are required to implement HTTPS protocol to protect their visitors’ information. This is mistakenly seen as proof that the website itself is safe to visit and interact with.
Hackers and cybercriminals are counting on this belief to hide behind HTTPS sites and practice their suspicious online activities. With the anticipation that people think they are safe as long as they have the green padlock activated in their browsers. Read more …

Can You Get Hacked By Watching a YouTube Video?

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YouTube is the most powerful social network for video streaming. The YouTube platform itself is highly secure and maintains advanced protection and safety measures to protect its visitors.
However, due to its popularity and trustworthiness as a service powered by Google, hackers tend to exploit YouTube videos to spread suspicious links to infect visitors’ devices or steal their sensitive information. Thus, although YouTube tends to be highly secure, the experience of watching YouTube videos is not entirely safe. Read more …

ZeroSSL vs Let’s Encrypt: What to Choose?

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To implement HTTPS, website owners need to issue an SSL/TLS certificate. Obtaining such certificates used to be difficult and expensive. However, it’s getting much easier and cheaper with the available automated and free certificate providers.
In this article, we compare Let’s Encrypt and ZeroSSL certificates in terms of prices, issuing, validity, renewals, and many other aspects. Read more …

How to Convert HTTP to HTTPS Without SSL Certificate?

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HTTPs (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is the secure version of the HTTP protocol, it’s designed to encrypt data transmitted between web servers and browsers. This is a key technique to protect payment and sensitive information over the internet.
Users who are not fully aware of web concepts may ask to convert HTTP to HTTPS without using an SSL certificate. Read more …