ZeroSSL vs Let’s Encrypt: What to Choose?

FI LetsEncrypt vs ZeroSSL

To implement HTTPS, website owners need to issue an SSL/TLS certificate. Obtaining such certificates used to be difficult and expensive. However, it’s getting much easier and cheaper with the available automated and free certificate providers.
In this article, we compare Let’s Encrypt and ZeroSSL certificates in terms of prices, issuing, validity, renewals, and many other aspects. Read more …

5 Threats May Happen When Visiting Unsecure Website [Explained]

FI Threats For Visiting Unsecure Website

Many people think they are safe as long as they didn’t download anything from the internet. This is unfortunately NOT TRUE. Although most attacks start once the online user accidentally or unknowingly takes an action, some can secretly take place without the user’s knowledge or consent.
This article explains the most common threat that may happen when visiting unsecure or malicious websites. Read more …

How To Check If a Link Is SAFE? [With Examples]

FI Check If Link Is Safe

Attackers are getting creative at deceiving online users, they pursue simple yet tricky tactics to spread infected links through multiple channels. If the user blindly clicked on a suspicious link, it might put the user’s data, personal information, devices, or financial records at high risk.
We developed a comprehensive guide of all tips, tricks, and best practices to assess the safety of web links. Read more …

Is HTTP Secure? and Is It Really Safe to Visit HTTP Sites?

FI Is HTTP Secure Safe Encrypted

HTTP is the primary instrument for navigating the internet, it manages the connection between web browsers and visited websites. HTTP protocol is based on a sequence of request-response messages, where the request holds our data and the response brings back the website content.
This article discusses the security concerns of HTTP protocol, how safe it is, and what are the threats of visiting HTTP websites. Read more …

E-Signing: Understanding Digital Signature

FI Digital Signatures

The digital signature is an authentication mechanism that enables content creators to attach a code to the content. So that this code acts as a signature of the content.
Due to the levels of security and reliability they provide, digital signatures are used as the preferred technology for signing online documents in many industries. Read more …